MAAT Digital Overview
MAAT aims to reshape and reinvent audio mastering
Once upon a time, a well-respected mastering engineer had some sensible but unorthodox notions, and colleagues crazy enough to throw in with him… Thus was born the Pleasurize Music Foundation. Later in his career, that same guy decided to lift up the music community further by establishing the Mastering Academy…Those two enterprises formed the roots of MAAT; a dedication to quality, a desire to do good and a need to provide better sounding, easier to use tools and simpler workflows. MAAT's street cred is moderately huge already, and they have a broad range of digital audio products in the works, with new approaches to metering, EQ and dynamics plus specialized utilities. They even have plans for some stuff you haven’t thought of yet! As a multi–national group of grizzled Yodas and kick ass Young Lions who share a need for fidelity, their goal is to make your studio a better workplace. Forget the bling, eye watering graphics and mediocre sound quality. Unobtrusive excellence is what MAAT strives for.