Telos Alliance CTO and AES67 Expert Greg Shay to Speak at AES Los Angeles 2016 |
CLEVELAND, OH – 27 September 2016 The Telos Alliance®—leader in broadcast technology and parent company to Telos®, Omnia®, Axia®, 25-Seven®, Linear Acoustic®, and Minnetonka™—announced today that it will be participating in several panel discussions at AES Los Angeles 2016, September 29–October 2, 2016, at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Telos Alliance will also be represented in the Media Networking Alliance Booth #931, where various broadcast and professional audio manufacturers and protocols—including the Telos Alliance's Livewire+—will come together to promote and educate people on the AES67 standard. "AES67 and IP interoperability are picking up huge steam this year, and we are seeing more and more products touting the standard," says Angi Roberson, Telos Alliance Director of Marketing and MNA Marketing Work Group Co-Chair. "Greg Shay and the Telos Alliance helped define AES67 early on, so we are excited that the attendees of AES Los Angeles 2016 will get a chance to hear from him on this topic. We look forward to a productive and insightful show." The Telos Alliance sessions are as follows: Networked Audio Track Event N3—"AES67 and the Audio Industry"
Friday, September 30, 10:45 am — 12:15 pm (Rm 408B)
Description: Six industry experts, including Telos Alliance CTO and interoperability expert Greg Shay, sit down for an open discussion on how AES67 will impact our industry. There are many audio networking standards available today. Unfortunately, equipment designers and facility engineers have been forced to choose between them to adopt a single platform for an entire operation, or to link disparate network pools by traditional cabling (analog, AES/EBU or MADI). AES67 solves this dilemma, providing a common interchange format for various network platforms to exchange audio without sacrificing proprietary advantages. Networked Audio Track Event N4—"AES67 Discovery"
Friday, September 30, 3:15 pm — 4:45 pm (Rm 408B)
Description: Chaired by Telos Alliance CTO and interoperability expert Greg Shay with Telos Alliance Project Manager Gints Linis among other presenters, this panel discusses how AES67 promised to unite different audio networking technologies but allows for multiple exclusive methods for discovery of networked devices, potentially hindering adoption. This presentation covers these methods, their pros and cons, and highlights the importance of determining a standard upon which the AV industry can rely. Networked Audio Track Event N8—"An Overview of AES67" Description: This session covers how interoperability among high-performance, low-latency media networks from various different manufacturers was once a dream but is now becoming reality with the adoption and growing implementation of the AES67 standard. Terry Holton (Yamaha) will discuss how it all works and what lies ahead with panelist Shay on-hand to answer technical questions. Press contact: Krissy.Rushing@TelosAlliance. About The Telos Alliance® |